I started getting a huge amount of errors in the event log (around 2 per second) of
The IO operation at logical block address <####> for Disk <#> was retried
I have 2 SSD drives running in a mirror for my system partition, which were the disks generating the error. I was eventually able to eliminate the error by:
1 – Running the command prompt as admin
2 – bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes
3 – Reboot the computer
If you google the “disableddynamictick” command there are lots of references to this creating issues in Windows 8 with the same error.
I hope this info can help someone else out….
Thanks a lot man. Im trying this on a Recording System that is generating lots of disk alerts. O.S is Windows 2012. Maybe this issue applies to Windows SErver too. Ill let you know f this resolves the issue.