Homemade Pens from Pine Burl and Red Dirt Wood
I turned a few pens this holiday season and had 2 interesting ones that I ...
Modify iPhone 5 cover to fit lightning to 30 pin adapter
I picked up an iPhone 5 for my wonderful wife last week and also got a ...
Surface Pro onscreen keyboard not working at login
I had the most bizarre problem with my Surface Pro. The on screen keyboard would ...
Preview or load freezing Simplify3D / Vectric Aspire / Vcarve Solution
I have had issues with Simplify3D (3D printing program) randomly freezing during startup. The solution, which while it works makes no sense, is to uninstall the Realtek audio drivers and audio console and use the regular windows sound drivers. This issue appears to be related to a library or something related to gcode creation, since […]

Error Creating Hyper-V Virtual Switch cannot find the file specified 0x80070002 Solution
I recently ran into an odd issue with a new Hyper-V host server install (Server 2019). Everything on the server was working fine, but when trying to create an external virtual switch the error message below would occur: Failed to connect Ethernet switch port … The system cannot find the file specified (0x80070002). I tried […]

Install SharePoint Foundation 2013 on Windows Server 2016 Solution
I just performed my first SharePoint Foundation 2013 install on a Windows 2016 Server; and it was way more complex than I would have imagined. I’ve put the steps below if any one else runs into issues and also so I can remember how to repeat the install in the future. This is what worked […]
Global Catalog Server could not be located and KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED troubleshooting
I recently had a frustrating day of Active Directory troubleshooting which led to a bunch of dead ends and eventually a solution. I thought I would document the resolution in case I ran into the same problem again, or if someone else encountered a similar issue. Original Issue: We moved a domain to a new […]
Set Windows 10 VPN to not use default gateway
I’m mainly putting this here so I have an easy place to find it in the future. Not sure what possible explanation there could be for why Microsoft would disable the ability to set this quite common option using the properties button in Windows 10. Open Powershell command (run as admin) set-vpnconnection -name “MY VPN […]
Enable Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10
For some reason MS has hidden the windows photo viewer in Windows 10 on a fresh install and it is not available to associate with image files. Googling the issue resulted in a number of similar complaints and different solutions. The registry fix below seems to work the best. Cut and paste the text below into […]

Error Event 129 storeachi – Reset to device \Device\RaidPort0 was issued solution Windows 10
In a recent Windows 10 build I started receiving this error randomly on different hard drives. I noticed the error was always happening to drives connected to a separate PCI SATA controller card and the drives connected directly to the motherboard SATA never had this error. The issues appears to be that the PCI controller […]

Windows 10 Search not finding apps fix
To prefix this fix with a bit of a rant; I am not sure how Microsoft, which overall I quite like as a company, can consistently do such an awful job of their search system in Windows. The Windows search is slow, consumes huge amounts of system resources indexing files, and rarely provides the results […]

Solution for System.BadImageFormatException error in IIS
I was moving some web sites around and had one that was giving a System.BadImageFormatException after being moved with the ReportGenerator assembly. After comparing the configuration between the 2 servers, the issue was that that the “Enable 32-bit Applications” had to be set to true in the advanced settings for the application pool. This was […]

Trick for making inside trim measurements
I thought I’d share a trick I often use for making inside measurements when working with trim or any other angled cuts. I simple clamp a think piece of wood or a small square that is aligned to the inside edge and use that as a measuring point. This is much easier than fooling […]