Quick and Easy Ocean Container Electrical and Lights
A couple things that worked for me to install wiring in a sea can without having to drill holes into the metal. Cut 1/2″ plywood into 4X4″ squares and paint grey (or other matching colour) Use PL Construction adhesive (I used the “Fast Grab” version) to glue the plywood strips to the ceiling. I matched […]

Easy Ocean Container Shelving
I recently picked up a single use ocean container (aka sea can) for some extra storage and needed to build some shelves. I didn’t find much information on shelving that didn’t require additional frames or welding so I thought I would post the design I used. My neighbor across the road, Myles, came up with […]

HP Envy 4-1050 SSD Hard Drive and Windows 8 Upgrade
I recently upgraded an HP Envy 4 to a 250GB SSD drive and Windows 8. Overall it went really well and the Windows 8 standard install picked up all of the core drivers (video, network). I had to download the driver pack from the HP site to get the touchpad driver working correctly. I’ve put […]

How to unshrink and stretch shrunken clothes
My daughter returned from a trip to Kenya this week along with some custom made clothes (rather than selling pre-made clothes they show you some fabric, take your measurements, and a few hours later have your custom made pants, shirts, etc). Unfortunately none of the fabric they use is pre-shrunk, so after my wife carefully […]

Quick temporary wheel dust cap
My neighbor lost the dust cap for his trailer just before he was heading out on a trip. He tried to find a replacement cap but needed a non standard size that required a special order. He came over to see if I had anything in my shop that might work. The solution ended up […]

Easy and Inexpensive Deer Fence
I live in a rural area that has a very high deer population. Anything in a garden area that is not fenced in is quickly be eaten by the neighborhood deer. I created a new garden area last year and decided to try an inexpensive deer fence sold by Lee Valley (one of my favorite […]

Alternative way to remove white film (bloom) from Hunter rubber boots-Updated
NOTE: Please see update at end of post for another cleaning method that works equally well… My wife picked up a pair of heavily discounted Hunter rubber boots tonight. I expect they were discounted because they were covered with a white disgusting film. I did some googling and found out that this white film is […]

Modify iPhone 5 cover to fit lightning to 30 pin adapter
I picked up an iPhone 5 for my wonderful wife last week and also got a lightning to 30 pin adapter so it would work with her iHome clock radio. I had read some reports that the adapter was flimsy and made the phone stick up really high, but after using it for a couple days it […]

Sous Vide Roast Sliced Pork Chops
One of my sous vide favorites is cooking a pork roast and then slicing the roast to make pork chops: Cook a lean pork roast (i usually use a large pork loin cut in half) in the water oven for 142F for 6+ hours (142F is a bit rarer than I like more pork, but […]

Surface Pro onscreen keyboard not working at login
I had the most bizarre problem with my Surface Pro. The on screen keyboard would often not activate at the login screen and the attached keyboard would lock itself into a mode where it thought the windows key was stuck. This resulted in windows accessibility “features” popping up at the login screen instead of being […]