Archive | Technology

template error

MS Office 2013 Word Excel Something went wrong while downloading your template solution

One of my computers (which runs Windows 8.1) started giving an error of “Something went wrong while downloading your template.” in all of my MS office 2013 programs (word, excel, powerpoint, etc).  Some internet searching revealed similar issues with other users but no solution.  I eventually got rid of the error so I though I’d […]

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Skype cannot log in due to disk I/O error Windows 8.1 solution

I recently received an error that Skype could not log in due to a disk I/O error using Windows 8.1.  I found this odd since there had been no previous errors with Skype or dirty shutdowns or reboots of the computer. I tried restarting my computer and following the instructions at which did NOT […]

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nvidia crash small

Nvidia multiple displays crashing in Windows 8 or after Windows 8.1 Upgrade Solution

I recently upgraded my main workstation to Windows 8.1 and shortly afterwards my computer started locking up and blue screening.   I traced the issue to new Nvidia drivers that were installed automatically during the Windows 8.1 upgrade (Drivers  I tried rolling back to the Nvidia 327.23 drivers and the 320.18 drivers  from earlier this […]

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Random VPN Error 812 Solved

For the past 6 months I have been periodically receiving an error connecting to one of our VPN servers of: Error 812: The connection was prevented because of a policy configured on your RAS/VPN server. Specifically, the authentication method used by the server to verify your username and password may not match the authentication method […]

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HP Envy 4-1050 SSD Hard Drive and Windows 8 Upgrade

I recently upgraded an HP Envy 4 to a 250GB SSD drive and Windows 8.  Overall it went really well and the Windows 8 standard install picked up all of the core drivers (video, network).  I had to download the driver pack from the HP site to get the touchpad driver working correctly. I’ve put […]

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Surface Pro onscreen keyboard not working at login

I had the most bizarre problem with my Surface Pro.  The on screen keyboard would often not activate at the login screen and the attached keyboard would lock itself into a mode where it thought the windows key was stuck.  This resulted in windows accessibility “features” popping up at the login screen instead of being […]

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