Outlook 2013 “The operation cannot be performed because the message has changed” solution
Occasionally I receive an error in Microsoft Outlook 2013 of: “The operation cannot be performed because the message has changed” when replying to an email. This usually happens when I am typing a particularly long response, which is especially frustrating since I have lost my message a couple times trying to overcome this error. I […]

Canadian Sprinkler Pricing Rip Off
In a departure from my usual informational blog postings I’m posting 2 pictures of identical sprinklers taken at Home Depot in Canada and Home Depot in the United States in Billings Montana (less than 5 hours south of the Canadian border). You will note that the pricing of the sprinklers is roughly DOUBLE in Canada. […]

Sous Vide Beef Tenderloin
There is nothing that will get a tenderloin cooked with perfect edge to edge consistency like a sous vide water oven (expect perhaps a commercial combi-oven). The quest for the perfect tenderloin was the original reason I bought a water oven, although now it is one of the most used appliances in our house. Vacuum […]

Fix Acura MDX broken tailgate wiring and lock issues
The tailgate lock on our 2001 Acura MDX recently started working intermittently. Sometimes it wouldn’t lock and other times it would stay locked and there was no way to open the back other than crawling into the back and using the manual unlock lever found in the little hole at the bottom center of the […]

Solution for Outlook 2013 Appointments going to wrong calendar and removing this computer only Calendar
I ran into an issue with a recent Outlook 2013 upgrade where a new calendar labeled with “this computer only” appeared and all of my new appointments started going to it instead of to my usual default calendar. Originally I thought the appointments were disappearing, but later found them in a new “this computer only” […]

Errors with Sharepoint Public Website Content Migration App
I recently performed a migration of an Office 365 site to the upgraded Sharepoint 2013 format using the Public Website Content Migration App. I had a number of issues; so I thought I’d post the solutions. The first issue I ran into is when running the app I received an error message of: “Server Error in […]

How to export to Prezi from Visio, PowerPoint, and Illustrator
When I first started using Prezi I struggled with the best way to get zoomable graphics that didn’t pixelate and become fuzzy. After quite a bit of trail and error I managed to get reasonably good graphic exports from most programs while keeping vector based images and transparent backgrounds. Here’s what worked for me: PowerPoint: […]

Visio Error This file is open in another instance of Visio or in another program
I frequently get an error message in Visio 2013 when exporting a PDF file of “This file is open in another instance of Visio or in another program” I am not sure exactly what causes the error. Others have reported this issue being caused by their antivirus software, but I have tried disabling by […]

Homemade Pens from Pine Burl and Red Dirt Wood
I turned a few pens this holiday season and had 2 interesting ones that I thought I’d post. This first one is made from a globular growth that occurs on some scotch pine trees. Below is a picture of one of the branches, the cut before turning and the finished pen made from the branch. […]

MS Office 2013 Word Excel Something went wrong while downloading your template solution
One of my computers (which runs Windows 8.1) started giving an error of “Something went wrong while downloading your template.” in all of my MS office 2013 programs (word, excel, powerpoint, etc). Some internet searching revealed similar issues with other users but no solution. I eventually got rid of the error so I though I’d […]