
Skype cannot log in due to disk I/O error Windows 8.1 solution

I recently received an error that Skype could not log in due to a disk I/O error using Windows 8.1.  I found this odd since there had been no previous errors with Skype or dirty shutdowns or reboots of the computer. I tried restarting my computer and following the instructions at which did NOT […]

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Honda Civic won’t shift out of park or start

For some reason our 2006 Honda Civic was missing the entire back up light and socket on one side when we bought it used a couple years ago.  I finally got around to working on it this weekend and managed to get a socket and light installed (FYI its possible to use one from a […]

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nvidia crash small

Nvidia multiple displays crashing in Windows 8 or after Windows 8.1 Upgrade Solution

I recently upgraded my main workstation to Windows 8.1 and shortly afterwards my computer started locking up and blue screening.   I traced the issue to new Nvidia drivers that were installed automatically during the Windows 8.1 upgrade (Drivers  I tried rolling back to the Nvidia 327.23 drivers and the 320.18 drivers  from earlier this […]

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Random VPN Error 812 Solved

For the past 6 months I have been periodically receiving an error connecting to one of our VPN servers of: Error 812: The connection was prevented because of a policy configured on your RAS/VPN server. Specifically, the authentication method used by the server to verify your username and password may not match the authentication method […]

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Kenya Home Roasted Coffee

A friend who does missions work in Kenya recently returned to Canada and brought me some local small farm hand picked green coffee beans.  I roasted a batch up tonight and was in for a real treat.  I put a couple pictures below of the green and roasted beans.  I typically buy my green coffee […]

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Red Mulch Tomato Experiment

This spring I picked up some red mulch plastic for use under my tomato plants.  The claim is that the red mulch reflects a spectrum of light that helps tomatoes grow.  I was skeptical, but since the claim was being made by Lee Valley, which in the past has never steered me wrong, I thought […]

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